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Monday, May 4, 2009

I'll blog more this summer. Promise.

I have the most work I've ever had due this week and then finals. But I can't concentrate because I am so excited about life.

-I turned 21 on April 20th. It was good, went out to dinner with friends, no big party or anything. I'm officially an adult, my mother even sent me a laminated certificate stating that fact and some other things, but I'm not going to be debbie downer and talk about that right now.
-We also officially got the house on my birthday as well. Yesssss. We went shopping for some house stuff yesterday and I can't WAIT to decorate. We already have a trampoline for the backyard.
-I have an interview with campus safety to be the office manager, this Thursday. I hope it goes well so I can have 2 jobs this summer for a little extra income.
-My roommate left moldy macaroni out, even though I told her she should throw it away since that is my biggest allergy. Well she didn't, so I slept in the room with it unknowingly, and woke up to my current miserable state. I'm on day 2 now of cold like symptoms and am not happy with her. She also said last week she would do the trash finally, but a week later it was still there. 3 more weeks...that's all I'm saying. Love that girl, but can't handle her lifestyle anymore.

I can't even finish this post because all I'm thinking about is moving into the house. Popsicles for breakfast, tanning, trampoline, water balloon fights, cooking, decorating, watching So You Think You Can Dance, and The Bachelorette of course.

Back to wish you were me.

1 comment:

Madeline Elouise said...

Oh Debba.

I will come regulate if it is needed.