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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My decision:

So, all my avid readers (aka randoms that are browsing the web, or friends that stumble upon this months later) are probably dying to know what the 'big changes' are...

The anticipation must be killing you.

Well, I had a couple of options. Upon having so many crazy events happen to me this summer, and reflecting on other crazy events that have happened to me, that don't happen to most people, I became motivated to describe these events, one blog post at a time, and entertain people with the realness of my life.

Then student teaching became my life a lot faster than I had anticipated, and I decided I should blog about those experiences for sure, as I could reference the blog as a learning tool/look back into my life later on.

But the question was, do I blog about student teaching on my personal blog here? I have decided I will be starting a different blog, specifically for that. This way, whenever I have time (which, let's be honest, will be next year), I can turn this blog into the place where I share my crazy occurrences.

So without further adieu: