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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010!

Sitting here in the hotel room in Oklahoma. I walked to a McDonalds today and it was surreal. All white people working there, most had missing teeth, and I was the one with an accent?! Also they just STARED at me like I was a celebrity. I was wearing a black coat, jeans, and boots. I need to go back to California. Can't believe I am spending my New Years Eve in a hotel room.

First of all 2009 was amazing. I am going to try to recap month by month.

January: What I thought would be a super boring interterm, turned out to be an awesome everyday hang out in the dorm with my RA who ended up being my housemate and an awesome friend. Also Kelly's new single came out and made history by going from 97 to number 1.

February: I got an awesome surprise when my favorite Oregonian, Maddie, got to make a surprise visit to California for her 21st birthday. We went to Disneyland, took her Chick-Fil-A virginity, and she ordered her first drinks at BJ's while all of us Biolans watched.

March: I was freaking out about housing at this time because my then roommate was supposed to be graduating (wow, that is a different story now), and I had NO ONE to live with for senior year. Then plans were made to live in a house with some awesome people, and I had never been happier. Also Kelly's new cd came out this month, and I bought it opening night.

April: Had an interview with Campus Safety...obviously after many more interviews, they decided I was the one they wanted and I work there now. Not very much because I like my other job better, but somehow they still keep me around. Also I turned 21 this month but it wasn't that great.

May: WANGO TANGO! Bry, Abby, and I went and saw many acts, including Flo Rida, Soulja Boy, All American Rejects, Jamie Foxx, Black Eyed Peas, Pitbull, Lady Gaga, and KELLY! It was so awesome that we promised to go again next year even though Kelly won't be there. Seriously, it was just 6 hours of non stop fun and surprise guests. The surprise guests we saw were like all of my favorite people, and I flipped out everytime: SHAWN JOHNSON, cast of SECRET LIFE, cast of THE HILLS....ah best day ever. Also this month, during finals time, my sister broke down in LA, my roommate totaled her car in a huge accident, and I had to move out of my dorm in 3 hours (locked myself out of my car while doing so and they were in the bathroom the whole time).

June: Officially moved into the Poner house. We went line dancing at a place called InCahoots. Haha. probably one of the funniest nights out ever. I also started working at Campus Safety and decided I didn't like it that much. I also got a raise at my other job so I worked there instead. Also this month, a guy I dated decided we would be great if we got back together. I didn't take him up on his offer, but I did get some free seasons of Arrested Development out of that.

July: Saw Kelly from the closest seats I had had at that point. It was so amazing for me. Also went to the OC fair. Also had a white trash 4th of July party at the house. Also got a new camera which I still adore. Also the church I had been attending disbanded and I still miss seeing those guys every week.

August: Visited Maddie and her family for 10 days in Portland! Then went to Disneyland and Catalina for my mom's birthday. Started school.

September: Ditched my stupid PC and bought a Mac and have been pretty happy. Also got to take some of my favorite friends to a free Kelly concert in Hollywood and it was soooo fun. Also saw Britney Spears and Jordin Sparks at the Staples Center. Pretty awesome, but I just realized I am spoiled because I see Kelly so much that when I see other acts, it just does not compare. I also recognized another Kelly fan at the mall and 2 of my housemates decided this was too much and I had to go 9 days without ANY Kelly. It was difficult, but hilarious. I had to write an essay too.

October: One of my best friends Ashley came to visit me here at school. My awesome, super-fit friends, Jess and Abby, ran a half marathon.

November: Went to Vegas to see Kelly. Abby turned 21. Thanksgiving with my mom's side in Palm Springs. Bridgette turned 20.

December: Saw Kelly from 3rd row in Fresno with my mom. She loved it. I loved it. It was awesome. She sang my all time favorite song that she never sings, ONLY AT THE FRESNO SHOW. I still get goosebumps thinking about how lucky I am that she sang that at that show. Finished up crazy finals and the fall semester. My cousins celebrated first birthdays and a 3rd birthday and I can't get enough of them. Saw my dad, had a good Christmas, and am now in Oklahoma.

Hopefully 2010 is just as good, but it will be hard to top this year. I can't believe the year of my college graduation is finally here. In high school, this year seemed a decade away.

Stay tuned for my best moments of the decade post.

1 comment:

BRY said...

Maddie's, Abby's, Bridgette's...

Not mine and Jess's. Shame.